Richard Scharine
author of 'The Past We Step Into'

about Richard
Richard Scharine was born in the back room of a Wisconsin farmhouse, went to a one room grade school, and rode a school bus 52 miles to high school. He is currently a professor emeritus in the University of Utah theatre department, where his honors include University Professor, University Diversity Award, and College of Fine Arts Excellence Award. Dr. Scharine has published two scholarly books, five book chapters, and a score or more articles. A Fulbright Senior Lecturer at the University of Gdansk in Poland, he has directed a hundred plays and acted in seven foreign countries, including the title role in Oedipus at Colonus in Athens, Greece.
The smartest thing he did was to marry Marilyn Hunt Scharine.

Coming Soon
Harvest is the thrilling follow-up to Richard Scharine’s debut collection, The Past We Step Into, published by Atmosphere Books. This gripping book of six short stories takes readers on a journey through time and place, exploring the complexities of growing up in dangerous and unpredictable circumstances.
From the Wisconsin farms of Scharine’s youth to the vivid hallucinations of his own cancer experience, each story is set in a locale that the author knows intimately. Three stories are set in the picturesque landscape of Utah where diverse characters meet unique challenges: a Mormon matron deals with a series of memories, a failing Triple A baseball player faces a questionable future, and a present-day outcast contemplates his fate in front of Topaz, the World War II Japanese internment camp.
These thought-provoking stories carry a stark warning – growing up doesn’t always lead to survival. Be prepared for moments of tension and heart-stopping suspense as you join Richard Scharine on his captivating exploration of what it means to grow up in America.
The past we step into
“Time is the school in which we learn/Time is the fire in which we burn.”
— Delmore Schwartz
A young couple finds themselves hip-deep in sex, social change, the Arts, Civil Rights, politics, warfare, and — ultimately — children, as they negotiate the paths of self-discovery spanning over fifty years and four continents.
In the twelve stories of Richard Scharine’s The Past We Step Into, we experience the America we remember, the America we want to forget, and the America we dream of achieving.

Reviews of The Past We Step Into